Nigerian Blesser Ruined My life
My Life is ruined by a Nigerian Blesser, I am nothing but just a hell. My name is Nosipho, I am from poor family background, I know what is a poverty a grew up in a family of 7 Children 3 Sons and 4 daughters, I am a Third born. I completed my matric in 2014, I had a dream to chase after my passing matric. After my matric I wanted to continue with my studies, but my family couldn't afford to pay for my tertiary studies, I have opportunity to register with one of the Universities in Pretoria, Nsfas was funding my studies, I moved from my home town to Pretoria for studying.
Things were not easy for me because I couldn't get enough money to satisfy my needs, Competition was very high between me and my Friends at the University. I had a boyfriend back there in my place, he was still young and He couldn't provide for me. I loved him and He loved me back, But his failure to provide for me swept away my love to him, I thought one day he will marry me. I started to get bored when I speak with him, I couldn't ask him money because I knew that he won't do anything and his family and my family were the same, they are both poor.
I desperately needed some one who couldn't provide, they only option I has was to find a sugar daddy. I started joining groups for people who need love on a social medias, and posting some ads on a dating websites, one of the ads I remember was reading like this, 'I am young beautiful girl looking for a real love, someone who can provide for me, If you think you are the one text or call me on 074 **** *** ', My aim wasn't to find real love, I wanted someone to spoil and provide for me.
I started to receive calls from different people responding for my ad, Young and Old people. So I had to choose careful because some they couldn't give me what I want. One day I received a call from a guy who claimed to be South Africa, even the voice I was suspecting that the person is a foreign but when I ask him they only answer he could give was, 'I am South African'. I liked him at the first sight, he even told me that he is looking for love too, I told my self that is he is the one.
We Had an opportunity to meet, in our first date, I found out that he was a Nigerian, but after finding out I still told my self that the one. We had fun on our first date we shared everything about our lives and I was honest with everything. I dated him for more than two months everything was still OK, he gave me money that I needed, he gave me everything. I though he is my future husband, the one who will marry me, the one who will put a ring on my finger. Every weekend we used to go to some places I've never been to before just to have fun and enjoy.
Before I met him I was sharing a room in a Flat with a lady, after a met him moved out from the flat, he was paying a rent for me, I was owning my own flat outside CBD, monthly rent was costing R4200 it was a nice place indeed. When I ask him what he does for living the only answer I could get was, 'I am a self employed', but he couldn't tell what kind of business he is owning, he was driving nice cars. One day He decided to tell about his businesses, and he wanted me to be part of it. His business was involving drugs, he was a drug dealer.
He told me that he has people who are working him especially young students, He wanted me to be part of it, he continued telling me about things that made me feel scared. I had no choice but to agree to the offer, because of my family background. At the beginning to run the business was very difficult but I adapted as time goes on. He taught me everything, until I was excellent. My job was to supply drugs to students and other young people. My market places were clubs, parks and Schools.
The job I was working was giving me a lot of money, but my parents didn't know about my job. They started suspecting about the way I was dressing, But I lied to them, I told them that I have part time job. Things was good Until.
Fri , 02 Jun 2017
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